Love line (english)
This space is open for a one hour phone call on Thursdays from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
Feel confused?
Something un-expected happened and you were thrown out of your center?
Feeling sad or overwhelmed by anger?
Are you going through health challenges?
Love Line is the place to call.
This space is created with the intention to support people from all over the world (who speak English and Spanish), to move from being:
Overly emotional
Stressed out
And move into a new space that says:
I am clearer now
I know what to do
I feel much better!
I can do this!
Now I can breathe!
Life has taught me that no matter what the situation is, I have to face it!
Life has thought me to process my life experiences. There is always a way out and the solution is right there where the issue is. To see this clearly we need to clean the path. No emotional action is the correct action. Dealing and moving through emotions and mental stress will liberate all the energy consumed in in sadness, anger, fear, worry, despair, shame and mental exhaustion, leaving a clear space for: reason, understanding, seeing, courage, empathy, forgiveness and gratitude and love.
Linea de amor (ESpanol)
Línea de amor: Es un espacio abierto para una llamada telefónica de 60 minutos, el dia Jueves de 8:00 AM a 8:00 PM.
Te sientes confundido?
Algo inesperado sucedió que te ha desequilibrado?
Te sientes triste o abrumado por la rabia?
Estas atravesando por problemas de salud?
Línea de Amor es el sitio a llamar. Este espacio está creado con la intención de contribuir y apoyar a la comunidad mundial que hable español e inglés. Linea de Amor es el lugar donde encontraras a alguien que te escuche, te sienta a alguien que te guie a moverte de sentirte abrumado, demasiado emocional, estresado, tengo miedo, a un lugar de: “claridad”, “se que hacer”, “me siento mucho mejor!” “Yo puedo hacerlo!” “Ahora respiro mejor!”
La vida me ha enseñado que no importa cual es la situación, hay que enfrentarla! Hay que procesar la experiencia. La solución esta generalmente cerca, pero las emociones nos velan la mente. Al procesar la experiencia la resolvemos y nos movemos a enfocarnos en la solucion o a tomar la accion necesaria.
Ninguna acción emocional es correcta.
Trabajar y movernos a través de nuestras emociones y estrés mental nos llevará a la liberación de la energía consumida en la tristeza, irá, miedos, preocupaciones, desesperación, vergüenzas etc. Dejando un espacio claro para; la razón, el entendimiento, la conciencia, la determinación, la empatía, el perdón, la gratitud y el amor.
“La verdad para mi fue muy provechoso y gratificante; siempre sera bueno escuchar otra voz que te guie para ver algo mas alla de lo que nosotros solos y confundidos no veriamos facilmente.”
Beatriz called me during a particularly painful moment. I answered her call because I felt safe telling her what was going on. She focused my energy on my inner child and we both talked to her and comforted her. I had formerly done some inner child work so was familiar with it but was in so much agony that I had to be reminded to pay attention to her. Beatriz walked me through this experience, holding my hand, which I very much needed at that moment. After she calmed me down, she gave me simple directives to help focus my energy in a productive and positive manner. When you are overcome with grief and pain, I do heartily recommend Beatriz Marin to walk you through to a more peaceful state of mind and heart. Her telephone support may be just what you need to turn the corner...better than taking a pill! – Richenda (2018)
“Thank you Beatriz, I did not know how to get out of my mind! No wonder I was so confused, I was carrying so much unexpressed stuff!”
Love exchange:
Every Thursday 8:00 AM – 8:00PM
60 min: $66.00 CAD
PayPal service fee: $4.00 CAD