Its colour is red and it is located at the perineum, at the base of your spine. It is the Chakra closest to the Earth. Its function is concerned with earthly grounding and physical survival. This Chakra is associated with your legs, feet, bones, large intestine and adrenal glands. It controls your fight or flight response.
“All is one.”
Blockage may manifest as:
- Paranoia
- Fear
- Procrastination
- Defensiveness
- Lack of structure
- Inability to manifest
- Illness
Your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual foundation is in this center. The program that will run your life is developed and installed in the first chakra when you are very young. It is within your tribe, extended family and society that you learn about life, values, ethics, behaviors, religion, language, education, sex, connection to the earth, connection to each other, connection to our bodies and to spirit. Your true nature, your essence is buried under the amalgam of someone else’s ideology and way of being.
This chakra invites you to examine how, through your upbringing, you are gaining or losing power. Life is about change, and movement. If you are experiencing trust issues, fear, instability, illness, chances are that your first chakra is out of alignment. Most mental health conditions and addictions are generated here.
ALL IS ONE: This truth teaches us that we are all connected to all of life and that every choice we make and every belief we hold exerts influence upon the whole of life.
When your first chakra is balanced:
- You have a strong foundation and
- You can feel your natural structure
- You have a sense of belonging and connection and
- You feel safe and secure in the Earth
- Your basic needs are taken care of and
- You are healthy (strong energy)
- You have strong boundaries and
- You have the ability to slow down/to just be
- You sense your own vitality and
- You are connected with nature
- You are aware of conditioning and can change what does not serve you
- You honour "ALL IS ONE"